Financial Planning Week to take place from 3-9 October 2022
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MEDIA RELEASE: The 22nd Financial Planning Week will take place in Australia from 3 – 9 October 2022, and the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) has commissioned research to highlight the difference in quality of life between advised and unadvised Australians.

The research, being undertaken by MYMAVINS, will be launched during Financial Planning Week and will look at the quality of life, financial confidence and financial satisfaction of those who receive financial advice and those who don’t.

Financial Planning Week will also coincide with the seventh annual World Financial Planning Day on 5 October, hosted by the global Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd (FPSB) which runs and owns of the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification program outside the United States.

Sarah Abood, CEO of the FPA, says Financial Planning Week is designed to raise awareness of the value of financial planning and having a financial plan.

“The FPA has developed a toolkit for its members to help them promote the week and the value of their own services and expertise.

“We encourage our members, and all financial planners, to take part in the conversations that will be taking place throughout Financial Planning Week, and help spread the message that a financial plan gives Australians the confidence to get through today and prepare for the future, no matter what life throws at you,” she says.

“During a time of global economic uncertainty, people may feel vulnerable and concerned about their finances and their futures,” said FPSB CEO Noel Maye.

“World Financial Planning Day provides the global financial planning profession with the opportunity to educate the public about financial matters, and demonstrate how financial planners who have committed to putting clients’ interests first, like CFP® professionals, can help people navigate complex financial decisions to live their today and plan their tomorrow.”

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