Financial Services Minister Stephen Jones answers key questions from members at a series of briefings across the country
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The FAAA has lauded the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services, Stephen Jones, for engaging with 230 advisers in a series of open industry events co-hosted by seven associations from the Joint Associations Working Group (JAWG), culminating in a final briefing in the nation’s capital.

Coming together to host the final Canberra event alongside the FAAA were the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), CPA Australia (CPA), the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and the SMSF Association (SMSFA). Other events were co-ordinated with the FSC and SIAA.

During the series of seven events, held across Australia between June to October, advisers heard from the Minister and had the opportunity to ask questions.

Minister Jones spoke about the government’s response to the Quality of Advice Review and took questions from financial advisers and other financial services participants from the floor.

FAAA General Manager for Policy, Advocacy and Standards, Phil Anderson, says:

“We would like to thank Minister Jones for spending the time to answer questions from our members. He has been upfront about how the Government will tackle a wide range of issues affecting the financial advice profession,” Mr Anderson says.

“From the Quality of Advice review to the urgency of rebuilding adviser numbers, from the significant increase to the ASIC levy to adviser access to Centrelink and ATO portals – no subject was off limits for questions from the audience.”

Mr Anderson said financial advisers will have further opportunity to engage with Minster Jones next month.

“Minister Jones will be speaking at the upcoming FAAA Congress in Adelaide in November and engaging with more of our members.

“The FAAA looks forward to continuing its consultations with the Minister and using its voice to make sure the issues and concerns of our members are considered – be it in the Government’s response to the Quality of Advice Review, but also in all decisions that are made that affect our members and their clients.”

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