GQG Partners Global Equity added to the CFS FirstChoice platform
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MEDIA RELEASE: The GQG Partners Wholesale Global Equity Fund is now available on the Colonial First State (CFS) FirstChoice platform. The Fund has been available via CFS FirstWrap since 2021.

The GQG Partners Global Equity strategy invests in high-quality companies with attractively priced future growth prospects in both developed and emerging markets. It seeks to limit downside risk while providing attractive returns to long-term investors over a full market cycle.

Laird Abernethy, GQG Partners’ managing director of Australia and New Zealand, believes the fund is an attractive option for advisers and their clients in the current environment.

“Our Global Equity strategy gives advisers access to a portfolio of high-quality companies with a focus on managing downside risk that has historically exhibited a lower volatility profile than its index and peers. We believe this is something that advisers and their clients increasingly value, particularly in the current volatile market conditions.

“Since establishing our business in Australia in 2019, there has been a series of volatile market events, including the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which triggered one of the largest market declines in history, and more recently sustained inflation and rising interest rates which have led to the change in market leadership away from long duration assets like tech stocks.

“Our Global Equity strategy performed strongly through these environments, outperforming its benchmark and managing downside risk for our clients. This has resulted in strong support from investors across the market and we’re thrilled that advisers and their clients now have access to this strategy via the FirstChoice platform.”

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